Aleksandr Etkind

Alexander Markovich Etkind (born 1955, Leningrad) is a psychologist, cultural historian, cultural historian and literary critic. PhD in Psychology (1985). Doctor of Philology (PhD, Slavic Philology) (1998, Helsinki). Professor of Russian Literature and Cultural History (Cambridge); Professor of New York and Johntown Universities, conducted research in Princeton, Berlin, and Canterbury (New Zealand). He works at the University of Florence. Main works:

  • Eros is impossible. The history of psychoanalysis in Russia. St. Petersburg, 1993.
  • Sodom and Psyche. Essays on the intellectual history of the Silver Age. Moscow: Garant, 1995.
  • A whip. Sects, literature, and revolution. MOSCOW: UFO, 1998.
  • Interpretation of travel. Russia and America in travelogues and intertexts. MOSCOW: UFO, 2001.
  • Non-fiction in Russian is true. Review book. MOSCOW: UFO, 2007.
  • Internal Colonization: Russia's Imperial Experience. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011.
    • Internal colonization. Russia's imperial experience/Authorized translation from English. C. Makarova. MOSCOW: UFO, 2013.
  • Warped Mourning: Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied (Cultural Memory in the Present). Stanford University Press, 2013.
Author's articles
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The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.