
Scientists about bullying

Bullying as an object of research and a cultural phenomenon
The article presents the main global achievements in the field of studying school bullying (bullying); problematizes the topic of the social context that generates bullying; shows the need to develop technologies for studying and preventing bullying in Russia. Keywords: bullying, victim, stalker, witnesses, school, teenagers.
Why do they bully at school, and how to defeat the victim
Have you ever been brought to your knees? Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to give a negative answer to this question. It is becoming increasingly difficult for an ordinary social media user to avoid seeing videos of schools' massacres against their classmates. In addition to the brutality of the aggressors, it is no less striking that victims comply with humiliating requirements and allowing them to do whatever they want with themselves.
Cyberbullying in the experience of Russian teenagers
Aggressive online behavior is becoming more common among teenagers in Russia and abroad. Cyberbullying is one of the most novel and dangerous risks facing modern teenagers in terms of consequences. The article analyzes the experience of Russian teenagers meeting episodes of bullying on the Internet as an aggressor, victim or witness: the frequency of such meetings, emotional and behavioral reactions to them, age and gender differences, and moral assessment.
Bullying in a children's team: teachers' attitudes and capabilities
Bullying is a very painful and difficult topic for all members of the school community. Almost everyone has experience with bullying situations in one role or another, and this experience is usually traumatic, poorly understood and not tied to a consistent algorithm for ending such situations. Despite numerous foreign studies showing the negative consequences of bullying situations for both direct participants and witnesses of bullying, the main strategy for responding to this topic in the Russian context is avoidance and silence.
Bochaver A.A.
Cyberbullying: Bullying in the space of modern technologies
This article is a continuation of the article “Bullying as an object of research and a cultural phenomenon” and focuses on the peculiarities of bullying on the Internet. The ubiquity of the Internet and the addiction of adolescents to social networks, combined with their lack of user competence and understanding of the need to maintain a certain ethics of online communication, make cyberbullying one of the most serious modern social risks in adolescence.
Bochaver A.A.
On the issue of studying mobbing in the labor relations system
The article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of labor relations — mobbing. This is a form of psychological terror, harassment and pressure on an employee by the team, individuals or the manager. The urgency of the issue under consideration, as well as the importance of the team's psychophysical health as a key asset of the organization, ensuring its competitiveness and sustainable development, have been substantiated.
Anna Kulakova