

At work

violence by colleagues, subordinates or superiors
So how do you respond to the boorish attacks of your superiors?
Continuing the topic raised in the video “How to respond to boorish attacks from management”, Daria Nevskaya shares her case study.
Mobbing is not an individual problem. In fact, this is a serious problem for the organization, which jeopardizes its survival.
The lack of culture of dismissal
As a litmus test, the economic crisis revealed the inability of victim society to resolve labor conflicts associated with mass layoffs in a civilized manner. Now they are fired either quietly and despicably, or, accusing the departure candidate of all deadly sins without renewing his contract, or they wash the resisting employee into powder.
Lying on cockroach legs
Why the main weapon of mobbers and emotional rapists is a lie. It is difficult to refute a lie when “respected” people lie in order to destroy a person who is actively resisting unfair treatment and violence.
Daria Nevskaya

At school

bullying by a classmate, another child, or teacher
“The whole society should demand to oppose mobbing” — Daria Nevskaya, creator of the first Russian-language bullying portal
Daria Nevskaya, the creator of, gave an interview to Novaya Gazeta. Baltic States” in Riga, by writer Maria Boteva. We publish the full article.
Daria Nevskaya
For teenagers about cybermobbing: recommendations
Cybermobbing: formulation. Description. The reasons. Exits.
The story of Seryozha city. Tips for teenagers
How should a teenager at risk and who has been bullied behave? How can a teenager help himself if he has moved to a new school and started being bullied? How do you prevent bullying in the classroom? How to survive mobbing and bullying without breaking down?
Daria Nevskaya
Mathematician. A story from the life of Tatiana Rick, a writer, psychologist, teacher and author of textbooks.
Tatyana Rick
School bullying: analysis of social factors
I used to argue on LiveJournal about the impact of capitalism/socialism on the prevalence of such a disgusting phenomenon; school bullying is systemic bullying against a student in the classroom (or bullying, from English bully, a bully, a brawler). Back then, my arguments were mostly indirect and scattered, but now there are direct ones
Violence in Russian schools: is there any reason for optimism? (transcript)
I can't say that the country's achievements have a good effect on people's sense of security; I have an even greater feeling of the opposite when it comes to communicating with people and at work. We are doing some research, and they show that most people generally believe that it's scary to go outside, that their environment is not people, but bandits. And this is happening: just watch one film, “School”, which caused a great resonance.
The artist drew a comic about harassment in kindergarten. Even adults were ashamed of their actions
An Australian artist drew a comic about harassment in kindergarten, and it turned out that not only victims suffer, but also the offenders themselves. However, the actress also showed how to teach children how to treat each other properly. The Internet believes that the most mature character was a three-year-old girl.
I've been bullying other kids and I can clearly remember why
My girlfriend and I were going to school, and the jerk was following us. He was two years younger, scary and nasty. We first giggled and then started joking loudly about his squeaky voice and gait. The freak started shouting curses, and we snapped boldly and decisively in response. The school gates were won by the winners of the fight. And suddenly a kid jumped up to us a cut lower. He came close to me and hissed, looking me angrily in the eye: “If you still say something offensive to him, I'll hit you! It won't be enough!” I was taken aback by the booger's impudence, but I didn't want to continue the series of winning jokes. The main thing was that it wasn't clear that he was standing up for him so much, he was a freak!

At the university

all categories
University/academic mobbing between past and future: reasons, conditions, methods of persecution
University/academic mobbing cannot be considered in isolation from the institutional and socio-economic crises that, for example, today help make the impossible possible: in the middle of the school year, teachers began to lose their jobs.
Calydonian Boar Hunting Time
I don't want to be known as “things by Cassandra”, but it seems that what she warned about in the article “If University Mobbing Exists, Does Someone Need It?” is coming true.
If university mobbing exists, does anyone need it?
The topic of university mobbing beats in my heart like Klaas's ashes. This time, a wave of layoffs has hit St. Petersburg State University. I sincerely sympathize with my colleagues and hope that this article, as well as other articles on, will help them overcome the emotional consequences of bossing and mobbing.
Implementation of the anti-mobbing procedure at the Jagiellonian University
I suggest you read the abridged version of the document, which can be found on the website of Jagiellonian University, one of Europe's oldest universities (Krakow, Poland). This is an order from the rector of the university to introduce an anti-mobbing procedure in order to resolve conflicts related to mobbing among faculty members, as well as among university staff who do not have an academic position.
Psychological terror (mobbing) at the university department as a form of professional destruction
University changes related to the reform of higher professional education education causes an aggravation of the socio-psychological situation in departments. Changing working conditions require teachers Adaptive capacity to maintain the usual quality of life.

On the Internet

Rumors, discrediting and intimidation
Online bullying, or cyberbullying
“Transcarpathian students harassed their classmate on a social network before committing suicide.” “In Chelyabinsk, an ex-girlfriend drove her to suicide a guy, calling him a gay person on social media.” “IN USA 15 year old girl

In the family

harm to the child's physical and mental health
Daughter Time
I suggest considering Maya Ganina's children's novel “Tyapkin and Lyosha” as a “prequel” to Lyudmila Petrushevskaya's novel “Time is Night” or a “prequel” to our current life and some of the peculiarities of our “interpersonal communication”.