The Lithuanian National Radio Russian Service (Lietuvos radijas ir televizija LRT) interviewed Daria Nevskaya about workplace bullying. Daria's most visited video post on YouTube is called “How to respond to boorish attacks from superiors and colleagues at work”. About 200,000 visits and the largest number of comments, almost all of which is a ready-made case about workplace bullying, bossing and harassment. These stories show the urgency of the problem of bullying in the workforce. Quote: “Mobbing can occur quite spontaneously, so you should always monitor turning points in the team's life, such as changes in management, the economic crisis in the country, official movements, when senior management changes, the climate changes, the atmosphere in the whole team (not just in your department) changes, when a new colleague appears. Moreover, his arrival is often not due to work necessity, but someone brought him by the hand from the street, and he ended up at the workplace for unknown reasons; all these circumstances should be a red light that notifies you to strain yourself and stop living as before — relaxed and calm, something could happen.
Next, the very signs of bullying that may occur due to the above circumstances. There is such a phrase as “feeling with your skin”, which means including what psychologist Daniel Goleman calls “emotional intelligence.” It is very important to feel when something has changed in the team. If people look at you differently, ignore you, they stop talking about you when you enter the room, they stop openly discussing work-related problems with you, they burden you with work, and then, when you fail, they start using you as a scapegoat, they work through you at general meetings and look for various minor flaws in your work, although on the whole you work well and responsibly, these are the signs. Of course, every attribute has its own degrees, for example, if you've already been expelled from the general mailing list, then it's pretty clear that you're going to be fired, to expelling you from the team.”
Link to the interview“I recommend quitting.” The creator of a website about bullying: This phenomenon has very ancient roots, starting with the persecution of Jesus Christ