
Mobbing at work


Mobbing at school

The story of Seryozha city. Tips for teenagers
How should a teenager at risk and who has been bullied behave? How can a teenager help himself if he has moved to a new school and started being bullied? How do you prevent bullying in the classroom? How to survive mobbing and bullying without breaking down?
Daria Nevskaya
Mobbing and bullying at school
Daria Nevskaya talks about child and adolescent mobbbing/bullying, recommends books for children and teenagers on this topic, and answers questions from the audience. Recording of a live webinar on Instagram organized by “Nachalka-Antistress” in December 2018.
The tragedy in Ivanteyevka. What can we do to prevent our children from taking up arms?
What can society and the state do to prevent a tragedy like the one that happened in Ivanteyevka on September 5 from happening again? What can adults do to prevent children from being left alone with their grief and fear? Suggestions from the site's creator Daria Nevskaya.
What should parents do if their child is involved in a mobbing situation at school?
What should parents do if their child is involved in a mobbing/bullying situation? How to involve the school administration in solving the situation of cool mobbing? What are parents entitled to?
Why do we help humiliate ourselves?
How do you stop trying to prove to your offenders that you're not who they see you in you? How not to drag the burden of resentment and humiliation received as a teenager into adulthood? How can I renounce victim status?
What if it's love?
How to distinguish teenage love from teenage mobbing/bullying?

Mobbing at a university

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Mobbing on the Internet

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Mobbing in the family

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Employees' personal experience

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Parents' personal experience

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Teachers' personal experience

Mobbing in the teaching staff
How are stereotypes of persecution implemented in the team? What levers of pressure do management have on “objectionable” employees? How does pressure from the administration change attitudes towards professional duties? How can you maintain your self-esteem and continue to work well when your principal treats you like a guilty student? Will the victim of bullying take out his resentment and humiliation on others (students, colleagues, own children)? How to resist management attacks? How to respond to rudeness on the part of superiors? Leave or stay if you are bullied at work?

Schoolchildren's personal experience

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Editor's column

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The history of bullying

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Scientists about bullying

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“Don't touch me!”
REN-TV documentary “Don't Touch Me!” — the first true film about mobbing at school.
Daria Nevskaya


Anti-mobbing list of children's and teenage books (updated March 1, 2021)
We continue to compile a list of children's and teenage books that are directly or indirectly related to the topic of school/teenage mobbing/bullying. I am sharing with you an updated list, which includes new books from 2019-2020. Children often don't pay attention to bullying and bullying at school because they are their age rotting a weak/other/stranger is considered the norm. Books and films on this topic can help children open up, let adults know that the problem exists. Read these books with your children, watch their reactions discuss and tell us what mobbing/bullying is. I'm sure these books should be included in extracurricular reading lists, and maybe in a circle school reading, as many of them have already become world and Russian classics literature.

About the project

About the site creator
Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, academia, teenagers, and cyber space, talks about why she created this site in 2014 and why she started a video blog on this topic in 2016.