
Personal experience


violence by colleagues, subordinates or superiors
Lena's story about office bullying
Lena talked about how she was bullied in the office during her probation period. Unfortunately, the story is very typical: it follows the “canon of the genre” of bullying.
Elizabeth's Story
Today is the first time I've decided to share my mobbing story completely, because in my opinion the problem of mobbing is strong is underestimated.


harm to the child's physical and mental health
“Why are you so dumb!” — 10 things your child should be taught about bullying today
Girls from a parallel class started bullying thirteen-year-old Anya, then threats started on social media. The girl's mother, teacher Marina Solotova, explains how they managed to stop the conflict and what parents should definitely teach their child.
Sasha's story
This wonderful story about how parents can help their children overcome bullying and its consequences was told to our website by the mother of an eight-year-old boy, Sasha. The events described took place in England.


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Mobbing in the teaching staff
How are stereotypes of persecution implemented in the team? What levers of pressure do management have on “objectionable” employees? How does pressure from the administration change attitudes towards professional duties? How can you maintain your self-esteem and continue to work well when your principal treats you like a guilty student? Will the victim of bullying take out his resentment and humiliation on others (students, colleagues, own children)? How to resist management attacks? How to respond to rudeness on the part of superiors? Leave or stay if you are bullied at work?
Behavioral choice: the child looks back at a significant adult
Having started working in a small children's team, I had the opportunity to observe how bullying begins. There's going to be a long story now, then a long story.


bullying by a classmate, another child, or teacher
School. Difficult but possible
This summer, on a hot sunny day, I was walking with my niece in the park. The weather was great, but her mood, on the contrary, left much to be desired. Nika, that's her name, told me about her school problems. Her lips were shaking every now and then, and her velvety gray eyes filled with tears. Nicky's stories, one after another, reopened my old wounds. In each of her stories, I recognized myself and my despair and understood that my niece needed to be saved.
How people can ruin your garden with their brutality
This is a true story about being victims of teenage bullying by a student of mine. She has long since left her hometown and is studying at a Moscow university, but she still cannot free herself from the psychological trauma she sustained at school. I asked her to write about her personal experience of mobbing to help herself and others in a similar situation.
My name is Olga. I also experienced this nightmare
The instructive story of a thirty-year-old successful and beautiful woman who as a child felt like an “ugly duckling” and could not even count on the understanding and friendship of her peers. She has come a long way to accept and love herself, putting aside all her childhood fears and worries.
Natalia's story. School mobbing and its consequences
I wasn't bullied at school. Or rather, how can I say... I read a lot, I was short and rather weak, and most importantly, she was naive and I often didn't understand what was going on here at all
The story of Katya city. The echo of school mobbing
I am now 26 years old, but I remember my story in detail “from now on”. Up until seventh grade, it was pretty good — I could feel myself quite involved in the team, talked a lot with my friends, already boys started to like me; in general, I liked myself. BUT then everything changed drastically