Daria Nevskaya

Daria Rostislavovna Nevskaya is not only a universal teacher, but also a journalist, cultural expert, one of the creators of a unique educational program and textbooks on Russian literature and culture created on its basis for Russian schools abroad. Her interests include classical and modern literature, Russian history, the language of the blogosphere, and film adaptations of novels. She successfully combines research and journalism, working at a university and giving public lectures, working as an educational expert and studying with children according to her program.

Author's articles
The lack of culture of dismissal
As a litmus test, the economic crisis revealed the inability of victim society to resolve labor conflicts associated with mass layoffs in a civilized manner. Now they are fired either quietly and despicably, or, accusing the departure candidate of all deadly sins without renewing his contract, or they wash the resisting employee into powder.
So how do you respond to the boorish attacks of your superiors?
Continuing the topic raised in the video “How to respond to boorish attacks from management”, Daria Nevskaya shares her case study.
Lying on cockroach legs
Why the main weapon of mobbers and emotional rapists is a lie. It is difficult to refute a lie when “respected” people lie in order to destroy a person who is actively resisting unfair treatment and violence.
Mobbing at work
How to deal with the “new broom”?
How to counter office bullying by a new manager?
The causes, conditions and signs of mobbing in the workplace
What does workplace bullying look like? How do you know that this is mobbing and they want to get rid of you, fire you or subdue you? Signs of mobbing/bullying in the workplace.
How to prepare for summer camp. Tips for parents
How do you prepare your children for summer camp? Do I need to tell the counselor about your child's peculiarities? How do you respond to complaints from a child who calls you every day from camp asking you to take him home? Should I warn my child that mobbing is possible at camp?
The victim, rapist and witness have the same picture of the world
Psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya spoke in an interview with about why it is dangerous to ignore bullying among teenagers and how to help a child in situations of mobbing/bullying.
About the benefits of reading children's books
I spoke to teachers on the topic “Mobbing/bullying in modern children's literature” and saw a great response, which indicates that the problem exists, but teachers find themselves alone with it, often without even knowing how to approach it.
What is teacher bullying: “Silent bullying”
How do you learn to resist teacher bullying? Teacher bullying is very common in modern schools. Teachers sometimes bully children, insulting and humiliating their human dignity, but sometimes bullying can be “quiet” bullying, but even more harmful than “loud” bullying.
“The whole society should demand to oppose mobbing” — Daria Nevskaya, creator of the first Russian-language bullying portal
Daria Nevskaya, the creator of, gave an interview to Novaya Gazeta. Baltic States” in Riga, by writer Maria Boteva. We publish the full article.
Teenager essay: “Observation of the social division of secondary school (grades 5-9)”
In any class, there is a division into groups or groupings. These groups compete with each other and harass guys from other groups. But even within the groups themselves, there is a hierarchy that is a breeding ground for mobbing. Children often stay out of groups, but then they need to have a very strong immune system to determine their individual behavior and not meet the requirements of either group.
Mobbing and bullying at school
Daria Nevskaya talks about child and adolescent mobbbing/bullying, recommends books for children and teenagers on this topic, and answers questions from the audience. Recording of a live webinar on Instagram organized by “Nachalka-Antistress” in December 2018.
The story of Seryozha city. Tips for teenagers
How should a teenager at risk and who has been bullied behave? How can a teenager help himself if he has moved to a new school and started being bullied? How do you prevent bullying in the classroom? How to survive mobbing and bullying without breaking down?
How counselors can prevent or overcome bullying in the squad. Practical advice
How to help counselors prevent or overcome bullying in the squad during the summer vacation.
The tragedy in Ivanteyevka. What can we do to prevent our children from taking up arms?
What can society and the state do to prevent a tragedy like the one that happened in Ivanteyevka on September 5 from happening again? What can adults do to prevent children from being left alone with their grief and fear? Suggestions from the site's creator Daria Nevskaya.
Don't get in a car with two people, or How to teach girls to fight back
How to teach your child to create “negative models”, feel danger, avoid dangerous situations, and counteract aggression. How to get out of difficult situations. How to teach girls how to resist violence. And how to establish such a trusting relationship with your child so that he is not afraid to share any of his problems and sorrows with his parents.
About Tyson the cat and Richard the little mouse. Short story for children and parents
How to teach a young child to resist an adult or a peer? Obviously, children should be taught not to approach other people's adults, and in the event of any violent action on their part, not to remain silent, but to shout and resist.
Why do we help humiliate ourselves?
How do you stop trying to prove to your offenders that you're not who they see you in you? How not to drag the burden of resentment and humiliation received as a teenager into adulthood? How can I renounce victim status?
School mobbing: leaving to stay?
Norway was shocked by the story of a boy who was mobbed at school and killed himself. This tragic event was widely discussed in print media and social media
Counselors about counselors, or A shift has a beginning, but a shift has no end
The situation of mobbing/bullying in a children's camp is different from that of bullying at school or in a sports team. Counselors sometimes do not have the opportunity to contact parents and resolve issues together. They must act very quickly to prevent mobbing from developing in the squad.
What if it's love?
How to distinguish teenage love from teenage mobbing/bullying?
My friend Don Juan
Parents often ask me how they can explain to their children why they should read. I usually give a few arguments that smart parents and without my recommendation, they could be used to talk to children about the benefits of reading. But after I was persecuted and bullied while working at university, I looked at my arguments from a different angle.
University/academic mobbing between past and future: reasons, conditions, methods of persecution
University/academic mobbing cannot be considered in isolation from the institutional and socio-economic crises that, for example, today help make the impossible possible: in the middle of the school year, teachers began to lose their jobs.
If university mobbing exists, does anyone need it?
The topic of university mobbing beats in my heart like Klaas's ashes. This time, a wave of layoffs has hit St. Petersburg State University. I sincerely sympathize with my colleagues and hope that this article, as well as other articles on, will help them overcome the emotional consequences of bossing and mobbing.
Calydonian Boar Hunting Time
I don't want to be known as “things by Cassandra”, but it seems that what she warned about in the article “If University Mobbing Exists, Does Someone Need It?” is coming true.
Implementation of the anti-mobbing procedure at the Jagiellonian University
I suggest you read the abridged version of the document, which can be found on the website of Jagiellonian University, one of Europe's oldest universities (Krakow, Poland). This is an order from the rector of the university to introduce an anti-mobbing procedure in order to resolve conflicts related to mobbing among faculty members, as well as among university staff who do not have an academic position.
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The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
The author has no articles.
Mobbing in the teaching staff
How are stereotypes of persecution implemented in the team? What levers of pressure do management have on “objectionable” employees? How does pressure from the administration change attitudes towards professional duties? How can you maintain your self-esteem and continue to work well when your principal treats you like a guilty student? Will the victim of bullying take out his resentment and humiliation on others (students, colleagues, own children)? How to resist management attacks? How to respond to rudeness on the part of superiors? Leave or stay if you are bullied at work?
The author has no articles.