How to respond to boorish attacks from your boss and work colleagues


Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website, fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, adolescence and cyber space, talks about how to counter emotional violence in the workplace and how to respond to her offenders.


- We talked to you last time about signs of mobbing, and among them, this “dirty dozen”, as Robert Sutton called them, were signs related to a status slap in the face. That is, with such an unpleasant, harsh word or remark addressed to you that discredits you as a person, as a professional, as a rule, this situation is played out in such a way by your boss or your colleague that you often cannot answer it. That is, it looks like it, by the way, they tell you that there are too many of you or that you did the wrong thing, when in fact you were required to do something completely different, and they don't even let you make excuses, but switch to another topic and talk...

Other articles
What is mobbing and how to fight it
Mobbing — (from English mob — crowd) — psychological harassment, mainly group, of an employee by an employer or other employees, including constant negative statements and constant criticism of the employee
Mobbing as a social phenomenon in the organization
Research results in the field of workplace mobbing suggest the need to adopt anti-mobbing laws and tighten laws related to harassment and emotional abuse.
Mobbing at the workplace
According to a study of working conditions in European countries by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), on average, 4-5% of employees in the European Union experience psychological violence — mobbing — at the workplace. The consequences of mobbing on the activities of an employee and organization can be very serious.
Mobbing: development phases and its prevention
In a simplified sense, mobbing is the phenomenon when a team or part of it takes up arms against one or more of its members in order to expel them. A young specialist can also become a victim of mobbing.
The lack of culture of dismissal
As a litmus test, the economic crisis revealed the inability of victim society to resolve labor conflicts associated with mass layoffs in a civilized manner. Now they are fired either quietly and despicably, or, accusing the departure candidate of all deadly sins without renewing his contract, or they wash the resisting employee into powder.