Signs of mobbing in the workplace


Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website, fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, adolescence and cyber space, talks about the signs of mobbing in the workplace.


- I keep talking about Robert Satton's book “Don't work with those who poison your life. And what if they're around you.” We talked to you about how it is very difficult to determine the situation of mobbing. Despite all its stereotypes and the recurrence of some signs of persecution, we must nevertheless understand very well where we find ourselves, what situation we are in, and act accordingly on the basis of this situation. Well, Robert Satton offers such a “dirty dozen”, as he calls it, signs by which you can understand that you are really dealing with someone who has decided to poison your life, who has decided to take their complexes out on you...

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