
About the project

About the site creator
Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, academia, teenagers, and cyber space, talks about why she created this site in 2014 and why she started a video blog on this topic in 2016.
Happy New Year!
Dear friends! Happy New Year! I'm glad we were able to help someone in time. It is very important to inform an adult or child in time that their state of loss and sudden exile has been known since ancient times, that a huge number of people around the world have been both mobbers and victims of mobbing, and that it depends only on us whether we can stop “at the line” ourselves and be able to stop the persecutor and the offender.
Daria Nevskaya
Bossing is a special type of mobbing. In the case of bossing, behind the scenes of intrigues involving bullying people, there is none other than the “boss” himself—a team leader who, it would seem, should, on the contrary, help create a healthy psychological atmosphere in his “team”.
Daria Nevskaya
Dr. Stockman's Advice Competition
I was inspired to create the site by a play by Norwegian playwright G. Ibsen An Enemy of the People (1882) (see the remarkable American film version of the play) 1978, starring Steve McQueen as “An Enemy of the People”, and also an interesting 1989 film adaptation by Estonian director Mickey Mikiver years).
Our site rules
We respect your right to your own opinion, but we reserve ours the right to delete or edit content on our site.
About the benefits of barbarism
We are against thoughtlessly filling Russian speech with “barbarisms” — in foreign words. But why then do we suggest using borrowings “mobbing”, “bullying”, “bossing”, “cybermobbing” instead in order to change them to words that are familiar to the Russian person “persecution”, “bullying”, “stalking”, “harassment from outside superiors”, “online harassment and bullying”?