Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website mobbingu.net, fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, adolescents and cyber space, talks about how to identify mobbing and how to overcome it. More information about the site is here: http://mobbingu.net/articles/detail/88/ (Video by Vadim Syshchikov).
- Why did I decide to create this site and address such an unpopular topic and, in general, a sad topic of persecution and bullying. The fact is that five years ago, I myself was persecuted and bullied at the workplace, at the university and in the academic environment, and learned lessons that were very useful for myself and, hopefully, for those who will listen to me and read me. The fact is that we are not aware that each of us has always been bullied and persecuted during our lives. It could be teenage bullying, it could be school bullying, it could be military bullying...