Who is our site for

Who is our site for?

If you have ever been bullied, bullied and persecuted at school, at college or college, in the military, at work, in your city or in your village, and, many years after the emotional abuse against you, you still keep thinking about it, you can't “find yourself” or are experiencing physical illnesses of unknown origin; if you still want to take revenge on your offenders or prove something to them, then you're here to our site “at”. If you are familiar with these signs of persecution and bullying, it is obvious that you have suffered a strong emotional trauma, the consequences of which psychologists equate with the consequences of rape. The cause of this injury was mobbing (mobbing — from the English verb to mob — to be rude, to attack in a crowd, in a pack, to poison) — collective psychological terror, bullying. It is not surprising that in the book “Violence at Work”, published by the International Labour Office (ILO) in 1998, mobbing and bullying are mentioned in the same way as murder, rape or robbery, and some European countries and the US have passed laws against mobbing and workplace brutality (cf. Laws). We want to raise this important topic for us and our children, and we would be extremely grateful for your sincerity and willingness to help yourself and others, preventing terrible consequences mobbing: stress at work, depression, heart attacks and even suicides. Recommend this site to your friends who, in your opinion, may or are already being bullied and abused (emotionally and physically) at school, college, or work. This site will be especially useful for people called difficult age, which is also called difficult because teenagers have no one to share their problems with, and sometimes they try to leave them by voluntarily passing away.

The purpose of our site

We created our website to help those who feel uncomfortable in a work or school team, are anxious and afraid, as well as for those who cannot overcome the consequences mobbing, experienced very recently or many years ago. Mobbing it is difficult to recognize and even harder to fight and defeat it, especially in countries where there are no laws punishing organizers and participants mobbing. However, you can try to avoid mobbing or leave the “affected zone” with the least loss for your psychological and physical health. We have created the first Russian-language website,, fully dedicated to this problem. Our goal is to disseminate information about traits mobbing, stereotypes of persecution and bullying, ways to “stop” them, methods of overcoming the consequences mobbing.

We hope that by sharing your stories of surviving mobbing and overcoming its consequences, you will help those who are now cornered and think that they are alone in their fight for truth and survival and their situation is unique.

Informed means armed.” Let us work together to combat mobbing and its consequences with information, concern and effective participation in the lives of victims of persecution.

We invite you to share your story, as people who, as psychologists say, wanted to work through their negative experiences and recognize themselves by sharing their story with the site's readers (see para. Your stories).

You can send stories about yourself, questions and posts about the site to our email address

We invite lawyers and psychologists to cooperate with us, and we will be waiting for answers to questions, professional advice and articles.

Taras Sergeevich Ivashchenko, a psychotherapist and specialist in psychosomatics, will also answer your questions (see para. Consultation with a specialist), who is already actively commenting on stories and articles on the site under the nickname Taras Iv and is ready to answer questions within his competence.

And now the community has also appeared on Facebook. Join us!