How to help your child in a mobbing situation


Daria Nevskaya, the author of the idea and creator of the first Russian-language website, fully dedicated to the problems of harassment and bullying in the workplace, adolescence and cyber space, talks about how to teach children to resist emotional abuse.


- We said to you last time that every adult has the right to choose: the right to stay in a workplace where they are humiliated, where they get status slaps in the face from time to time, where they get bonuses, positions, or leave this workplace. Everyone has that choice. But kids don't have that choice. Therefore, it is much more difficult for children in a situation of bullying and persecution than for adults. Therefore, both on the site and in the community, I pay the most attention to child and adolescent mobbing, because we must help children get out of this situation, we must help children in this situation identify the situation of mobbing, talk about the fact that so many people around the world...

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