The artist drew a comic about harassment in kindergarten. Even adults were ashamed of their actions


An Australian artist drew a comic about harassment in kindergarten, and it turned out that not only victims suffer, but also the offenders themselves. However, the actress also showed how to teach children how to treat each other properly. The Internet believes that the most mature character was a three-year-old girl.

An artist from Australia, who posts her works on social media under the nickname Mayticks, shared with her followers on Twitter on February 14 and instagram personal problem: her three-year-old daughter ran into Harasser already in kindergarten. She accompanied her feelings with a comic book in which she and his wife explain to the girl what to do in such situations.


“At a gourmet dinner with spaghetti bolognese; - Hey mom, there's a boy at school who stalks all the girls and tries to kiss them”


“It all starts so early; — What do you mean? He keeps chasing girls until he kisses them. But we don't like it. And he laughs at us even though it's so rude and mean; She knows it's wrong. She's waiting for our reaction.”

My three-year-old daughter was harassed for the first time by a boy in preschool, and we were very upset about it.
We're talking to her teacher about what happened so she can be sure she can say no.

The original

In the sequel, Mayticks showed that sometimes children understand everything perfectly, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships in the garden.


“Damn, I'm so sad. What should we say? I remember what it's like to be a kid, and it's so confusing; “Did you tell the teacher, sweetie? No, I didn't; you can always tell your teacher. Your teacher is in the classroom to make you feel safe. AND YOU CAN USE KARATE. Really? Yes”


“Be louder, yell and scream. Tell him you don't like it. And you can do things to help your friends if they're afraid; It's not like you should, but we live in a world where random harassment is considered sweet and harmless. — What's his name? What does it look like? He has a haircut. “It's not okay if someone touches you when you don't want to. I know; But it's not harmless, or else you wouldn't look so concerned.”


“I LOVE YOU, MOMS; - And we love you, child; That's how it starts. Same crap. The New Generation”

It seems that the artist's five-page comic strip left discouraged not only her heroines and other parents, but also people who were “the boy with the hair cut” as children.

Jay Jackson
When I was young (about 6 years or so), I was in love with a girl, stalked her and tried to kiss her. She didn't like it. Our parents thought it was nice. Looking back, I think it wasn't right and if I were my parents I would have tried to teach myself something different.
The original
Looking back, I would like to know what I know now. But when I was just as young, my parents mostly taught me that it was sweet to molest a girl I like, now I'm older and I understand that trying to get someone to love you through constant contact is harassment.
The original

In addition, commentators believe that there is no need to shame children who molest others. Instead, you should choose serious conversations, but in a calm manner.

Chris is a geek
This happened to my eight-year-old daughter twice. First the girl and then the boy wanted to kiss, but she didn't. We must protect victims but also teach [the other side]. Shaming young children trying to love can be harmful.
The original

The boy definitely needs a conversation, but I don't know if I feel comfortable calling what he did a “harasser”. I understand that if he were older he would have been called that, but he's a kid. He might not understand this concept.
Talk to him definitely, but also keep his mind open. The original

Some people believe that a comic about harassment in kindergarten will help many people understand what is wrong with this “sweet” harassment.

grace ❁ comms: 9 slots ♡
This comic really hit a nerve with me. There are lots of boys at school who sexually harass girls and weird people who are forgiven and dismissed as “nice” by a lot of people, or because it's just their nature. Thanks for making this comic. I hope he gets through to a lot of people.

The original

Sometimes fighting against hackers leads to legal problems, even if you just have an active social position. The girl decided to fight bullying at her school with a note. But the message did not appreciate the main addressee — the school management, and the teenager were suspended from classes.

Another girl actually had to be saved from dicpicks: she just got tired of them. Then she and her friend came up with a way get rid of unwanted images forever, and it will suit almost everyone.

Source: Medialeaks

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