Workshop on creating a residence museum based on the book “Brown Morning” by Frank Pavloff


Dear teachers, we offer you a methodological development for the novel “Brown Morning” by French writer Frank Pavloff. This master class on creating a museum of residence was created by T.A. Bulavina, a literature teacher and school principal in Svobodny, Sverdlovsk Region, and a literature teacher in N.I.Zakharova. The work was first presented at the Russian Marathon of Academic Subjects and aroused great interest. And the CompassGuide publishing house, which published this wonderful and difficult book, announced a competition for this development. We publish a masterclass with the consent of its authors and invite you to use it in extracurricular reading lessons or in school projects.

We hope that after appreciating the importance of working with books about mobbing at school, you will send to the site your methodological developments based on books that you can learn about from our “Books” section and from the article “On the benefits of reading children's books”.

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