Annika Thor. Truth or Consequences


A bold book for teenagers about things that are completely unromantic and shameful — about how the fear of ridicule from her classmates and the fear of losing her “social status” and becoming an outcast in her class pushes 12-year-old Nora to meanness. Annika Thor accurately recreates the model of the school world (there are “popular” girls and boys in the center, “satellites” revolve around them, outcasts live on the outskirts who are so pleasant to poison with the whole class) and comes to the point of view of Nora, one of the “satellites” who desperately wants to be in the “popular” circle that she loses her intelligence, honor and conscience. Reading is uncomfortable (especially since everyone looked like Nora at some point in their life), but it's impossible to quit. And when the fall reaches a critical depth, Nora finally gets a hold of something and begins her journey upstairs.
Daria Vanderberg

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