How to get you to stop being teased


Izzie Coleman's book was translated specifically for Our Inattentive Hyperactive Children

Read these tutorials carefully. If you're teased, they can change your life. Just follow the simple tips you'll find here and the days of being bullied will soon go down in history. However, I want to warn you that the advice should be followed very accurately. Otherwise, I can't promise you'll succeed. Do it this way, even if you find it hard to believe it's going to work or that it's that simple. Don't worry. All I'm going to tell you to do is really, really easy. One week will be enough to know if it works or not. You've been trying to stop bullying with your own methods for several years and you're still being teased. And I'm only asking you to do what I've been saying for seven days.

You might think that only an insane person would tell you that you can stop your pursuers quickly and easily. After all, you've been trying for so many years to stop it, but no one — not you, not your parents, not your teachers — has been able to stop them from teasing you. If all your efforts have yielded nothing but disappointment, then the decision must be very, very difficult, right?

It's not like that! The decision is not a difficult one. It's actually incredibly simple. Very difficult is what you've done so far. It's too hard! Think about this: all these people who are not being teased — what are they doing to keep them from being teased? Nothing? Exactly! Nothing! They're not doing anything! Why is that? Because they're not being teased. If you're not being teased, how can you do anything to stop it? Only people who are teased do things. If you want to go into the category of people who don't get teased, you need to go to the category of people who don't do anything to stop being teased.

It's kind of embarrassing, right? If so, that's okay. Because I'm going to turn you into an unblemished person. And unteased.

The guidelines are in the form of ten simple lessons. As you'll see, these instructions require almost nothing from you. They just want to see things differently and then don't do anything you usually do. You'll save a lot of energy and get the results you want. Does that sound good? It should sound good because it's good.

You won't need all ten lessons to get started. But the first five should be read. They're not long and the return will be worth your time. The first five lessons will give you everything you need to stop teasing. If you want to read the others right now, please. But you can also postpone this reading for a week, until later, when you see how well the first five lessons worked.

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