Frank Pavloff. Brown morning


Frank Pavloff Brown morning.
Translator Vitaly Zyusko
CompassGuide Publishing House

Brown Morning is a short story written by Frank Pavloff in December 1998. The plot, like the Brown Morning storytelling style itself, is very simple: two ordinary friends, watching how the Brown State is being formed, refuse to worry or do anything. Unnoticed by the characters, as a result of the measures taken and new laws, everything changes color: cats, dogs, newspapers, radio... There is no reason to worry — all you have to do is comply with the new rules. But will the Brown State stop there?.. “Brown Morning” is a manifesto against political unanimity, a metaphor for “brown shirts”, a nickname given to the Nazi SS police. The phenomenon of Frank Pavloff's anti-fascist novel Brown Morning is really impressive: the 12-page book worth 1 euro has been on the bestseller list in France for more than 10 years, has been reprinted more than 40 times, and has had a total circulation of more than 1,500,000 copies. Brown Morning became especially popular after the first round of the French presidential election in 2002, when far-right candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen (Front National) advanced to the second round. This anti-fascist children's book is now being discussed in educational institutions in 25 countries around the world. “With our legs stretched out in the sun, Charlie and I weren't talking, we were exchanging thoughts that came to our heads without really listening to what one said to the other. These are such nice moments - you sit over a cup of coffee and don't pay attention to the time. When he said he had put his dog to sleep, I was surprised, but nothing more. It's always sad when a dog is seriously ill, but in fifteen years you have to come to terms with the idea that it will die sooner or later. - You know, I couldn't pass him off as brown. - Yeah, brown Labradors are rare. What was he ill with? - Who cares, it wasn't brown, that's all. - Damn it, is it like cats now? - Yes, it's the same thing. I knew about cats. Last month I had to get rid of my Siamese cat, who was born in black and white. There were so many cats divorced that, according to government scientists, it was worth keeping the brown ones. Only brown ones. Breeding tests proved that brown cats are better adapted to city life, they have few offspring and eat little. A cat, of course, is just a cat, but one way or another, the problem had to be solved, even by means of a decree ordering the extermination of cats if they were not brown. The police handed out arsenic granules. Food mixed with poison immediately sent cats to the next world. My heart sank for a moment, but I quickly put my sad thoughts away. “Brown Morning” is a short story written by Frank Pavloff in December 1998.

The plot, like the Brown Morning storytelling style itself, is very simple: two ordinary friends, watching how the Brown State is being formed, refuse to worry or do anything. Unnoticed by the characters, as a result of the measures taken and new laws, everything changes color: cats, dogs, newspapers, radio... There is no reason to worry — all you have to do is comply with the new rules. But will the Brown State stop there?.. “Brown Morning” is a manifesto against political unanimity, a metaphor for “brown shirts”, a nickname given to the Nazi SS police. The phenomenon of Frank Pavloff's anti-fascist novel Brown Morning is really impressive: the 12-page book worth 1 euro has been on the bestseller list in France for more than 10 years, has been reprinted more than 40 times, and has had a total circulation of more than 1,500,000 copies. Brown Morning became especially popular after the first round of the French presidential election in 2002, when far-right candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen (Front National) advanced to the second round. This anti-fascist children's book is now being discussed in educational institutions in 25 countries around the world. “With our legs stretched out in the sun, Charlie and I weren't talking, we were exchanging thoughts that came to our heads without really listening to what one said to the other. These are such nice moments - you sit over a cup of coffee and don't pay attention to the time. When he said he had put his dog to sleep, I was surprised, but nothing more. It's always sad when a dog is seriously ill, but in fifteen years you have to come to terms with the idea that it will die sooner or later. - You know, I couldn't pass him off as brown. - Yeah, brown Labradors are rare. What was he ill with? - Who cares, it wasn't brown, that's all. - Damn it, is it like cats now? - Yes, it's the same thing. I knew about cats. Last month I had to get rid of my Siamese cat, who was born in black and white. There were so many cats divorced that, according to government scientists, it was worth keeping the brown ones. Only brown ones. Breeding tests proved that brown cats are better adapted to city life, they have few offspring and eat little. A cat, of course, is just a cat, but one way or another, the problem had to be solved, even by means of a decree ordering the extermination of cats if they were not brown. The police handed out arsenic granules. Food mixed with poison immediately sent cats to the next world. My heart sank for a moment, but I quickly drove away my sad thoughts.

See also on the website for a methodological development based on this book, which was presented at the All-Russian Marathon of Academic Subjects. Authors: literature teachers T.A.Bulavina and N.I.Zakharova (Svobodny, Sverdlovsk Region).

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