George Orwell's Animal Farm


“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

Animal Farm (eng. Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, in other translations “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”, “Animal Farm”) is a satirical parable published in 1945 (a fairy story), also called dystopia, by George Orwell. The story depicts the evolution of the condition of the animals that were expelled from the barnyard (originally called Manor Farm) by its previous owner, the cruel Mr. Jones, from unlimited freedom to the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon.

In the story, Orwell showed the rebirth of revolutionary principles and programs, that is, the gradual transition from the ideas of universal equality and utopia to dictatorship and totalitarianism. Animal Farm is a parable, an allegory about the 1917 revolution and subsequent events in Russia.


The Seven Commandments, proclaimed animals in the barnyard:

  1. A person who walks on two legs is an enemy.
  2. Anyone who walks on four legs or has wings is a friend.
  3. The animal doesn't wear clothes.
  4. The pet does not sleep in bed (later added: with sheets).
  5. The animal does not drink alcohol (later added: beyond measure).
  6. An animal won't kill another animal (later added: for no reason).
  7. All animals are equal (later added: but some are more equal than others).

Gradually, one by one, Napoleon corrected the pig, and then completely abolished all the commandments except one, the seventh. However, this commandment did not remain unchanged and took the following form: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”

The end of the story is pessimistic: the “animal farm” is establishing a new privileged elite — pigs. The leading pigs hand over the aged working horse to the slaughterhouse, and drink its skin with their neighbors. Pigs are no longer different from humans, and humans are no longer different from pigs.

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