Vladimir Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”


For the first time in her life, sixth-grader Lena Bessoltseva will have to face the betrayal, injustice and cruelty of her classmates and misunderstanding from adults. Every child should read Vladimir Zheleznikov's novel “The Scarecrow”, because sometimes you just need to be able to put yourself in another person's shoes in order to understand and evaluate your attitude towards him. In addition to the special girl Lena, the class has all the typical divisions into groups: Mironova, the class leader, Shmakova's first beautiful, Somov, a boy from a wealthy family, and many other equally vivid characters. The circumstances so happened that Lena took the blame from her classmate and became an outcast; she was boycotted. Lena Bessoltseva will have to go through a lot of tears, despair and humiliation, which will be understood by every student.

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