

At the end of the 18th century, Francisco Goya created his famous cycle of 41 prints, Caprichos. Many of Goya's Caprichos deal with the topic of violence. But I only want to talk about one print called “They're Still Here”. All Goya's paintings are accompanied by his comments. “A person is calm, as long as he is unaware of the machinations of fortune and the dangers that lie in wait at every step. And if he thought about it, he could protect himself from trouble, or at least his misfortune wouldn't have taken him by surprise,” Goya wrote, showing how a heavy stove falls on a group of strange characters. What is the relationship to the topic of our site mobbingu.netDoes this engraving have the artist's signature?

Francisco Goya. They're still here

As a rule, we suddenly find ourselves in a situation of bullying and emotional abuse. We don't even realize that we're putting ourselves at risk at a time when we could have avoided it. We delve even deeper into this situation, often without realizing where we are. Or we're aware, but we're not making an effort to get out before she swats us. We rarely analyze our actions and the actions of our colleagues, friends and relatives from this point of view. The only red “danger” light turns on in our brain when the iron is not off and the ice is thin, and even then not always. And it should catch fire every time the chance brings new people together, when we find ourselves in unfamiliar situations, when we feel uncomfortable in any group we belong to. We live without listening to words, looking at people's faces, without hearing reactions to what we do. We're just living... And suddenly a “stove” falls on us. And, depressed, we wonder why it suddenly fell down, murmuring at God, blaming our loved ones. But we saw for ourselves that she was bending over. We felt it would collapse long before it happened. Couldn't help but feel it.

Why are we afraid to make “negative models” and wait until people insult, provoke, and humiliate us in the eye? Why not take a closer look at the people we work with? Why not watch them react to our career growth, awards and successful performances? Why not find all existing types of contacts that characterize the attitude of employees towards superiors and superiors towards subordinates on time — from the first days they start at a new job? When we agree to a probationary period and the boss warns us that we are used to swearing and yelling, how can we not be happy that this is just a probationary period? Why, if we're not used to being yelled at, cling to this job? Sometimes the stove falls right away and we don't even notice. It seems to us that we are under her protection, but, in fact, we are slowly but surely affected by SDS (Prolonged Compression Syndrome, Crash Syndrome, Traumatic Toxicosis, (Prolonged) Crushing Syndrome, Compression Trauma, Crushing Syndrome — resulting from prolonged impaired blood supply to compressed soft tissues, characterized, in addition to local, by systemic pathological changes in the form of hyperkalemia kidney failure and kidney failure. It occurs in victims of earthquakes, mine debris, collapses, etc. — Wikipedia).

SDS does not make itself felt immediately. After the release of soft tissue, a person usually develops shock syndrome. In the emotional field, we can talk about post-traumatic syndrome that occurs and develops some time after we have been subjected to prolonged pressure. I watched how people who had been working in a harmful team for years under a rude boss began to get sick for a long time after leaving this job, but the doctors could not make a diagnosis because they did not understand the origin of these pains, changes in pressure, skin or endless respiratory diseases. And it turns out that all this is the delayed “result” of the patient's many years of patience and fears. Returning to F. Goya's comment on the picture, I would like to ask another, apparently rhetorical question. With a long history of violence and aggression, why is it that a person is still in the most serene mood and does not care to protect themselves from the destructive effects of negative emotions and fears? Life is so short...

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