Bullying in the workforce


I was recently asked if there is a difference between bullying an employee, say, in a store or warehouse, and bullying a university or academic employee at an institute.
I will answer this way. There are stereotypes of persecution that are universal for all historical eras and, perhaps, even peoples. There are universal signs of bullying that we identify bulling/mobbing, for example, long-term and consistent harassment of an employee in order to break him and/or push him out of the team. When we realized that we were faced with bullying at the workplace, we then assess the conditions and reasons in which the bullying situation became possible. And this is where the differences between work teams, the specifics of the employee's activities, working conditions, etc. matter... Therefore, psychologists most often give general recommendations, for example, how to counter rudeness and aggression on the part of managers and colleagues. I most often draw the attention of a bullying victim to maintain their own and professional dignity and, ultimately, to maintain physical health. Labor law lawyers give recommendations related to the terms of dismissal. I am a university worker and a victim of university bullying, so I am better versed in situations involving academic bullying and harassment in the teaching staff. In addition, I am well acquainted with mobbing situations in school groups. On this topic, I suggest you watch my webinar on mobbing in the school's teaching staff my most popular and visited video post on my YouTube channel, called “How to respond to boorish attacks from superiors and work colleagues”, can be viewed here

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