Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Anti-bullying policy (No. 50.110)


Responsibility measures:

Department of Environmental Quality will take the necessary measures to ensure a workplace environment that excludes intimidation, hostility, harassment and other forms of mobbing. The department will take immediate and appropriate action in the event that mobbing incidents occur contrary to state policy on this issue. These actions may include, among other things, at the discretion of the organization, the separation of the victim from the perpetrators, appropriate disciplinary measures, appointment to another position and/or a mutually agreed conciliation procedure between the parties with the assistance of a mediator. If one or more relevant employees are involved in the process and the Environmental Quality Division approves the possibility of a conciliation procedure, the division's office and the local Executive Committee 3336 American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees will select an intermediary from a list of qualified specialists. The intermediary fee will be shared between the local Executive Committee 3336 AFSHOM and by the Environmental Quality Division if the organization's management and employees are involved in the conciliation process. If only employees are involved in this process, payment will be discussed AFSHOM et By the department. The Environmental Quality Department prohibits mobbing. Any violation of the Division's anti-mobbing policy should be immediately reported to the District Manager, the Human Resources Department or the Trade Union Chairman of the local Executive Committee 3336 AFSHOM. The report should be submitted in writing and setting out the facts. The recipient will immediately send a message to the HR department. The Human Resources Department will ensure that all reported cases are promptly and properly investigated. Any investigation should include an impartial interview with perpetrators and victims. If, as a result of the investigation, it is found that penalties are necessary, actions to punish the perpetrators may include disciplinary sanctions, including their dismissal. This does not change the requirement that management must follow the state's disciplinary policy or the union's ability to provide fair protection to workers involved in the process. The department prohibits any form of retaliation against an employee who wrote a lawsuit under state policy or is assisting in the investigation of a claim. If retaliatory measures are taken, this may lead to disciplinary sanctions, including the dismissal of perpetrators.

Translated by Anastasia Pivovarova specially for

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