Suicide is the result of workplace bullying


Sad news came from Lithuania. The young doctor committed suicide because of the bullying he was harassed by his colleagues. It was only after his death that Lithuanian society began to discuss psychological pressure at the workplace. In the post-Soviet space, there are no laws that deter mobbers. Workplace bullying is very difficult to prove, and without working laws, it is impossible to prove it. I went through all this myself in Latvia and I know how difficult it is to achieve a fair mobbing situation when there is no relevant law punishing emotional abuse. In the US, for example, there are articles of law for every type of discrimination and violence in the workplace. An employee, with the help of a lawyer, can sue his employer from $10,000 to $500,000 for psychological trauma sustained at work. Up to 155,000 people experience workplace violence in the United States each year. How many workers are discriminated against in Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and other former republics? There is no such data. All these countries gained independence, broke away from the “family of nations” in which it cost nothing to trample on a person's reputation, where individual rights and freedoms were not taken into account, and the genocide of the people defined the face of the regime. But even when released, these countries continue to ignore and keep silent about the most important topic — discrimination in the labor collective. Probably, a society that is victimized and bruised by fear is incapable of combating violence. Which post-Soviet country has passed laws that would help victims of bullying and persecution assert their rights and restore their reputation? I don't have an answer no to this question. You may have one. After the young doctor's suicide, a discussion about emotional abuse at work began in Lithuania

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