So how do you respond to the boorish attacks of your superiors?


I'm continuing my video blog, which has 1600 subscribers. This “season” consists of nine videos covering various aspects of bullying and countering it. I pay special attention to recommendations for parents and discussing modern books for children and teenagers that raise the themes of friendship as salvation, first love, difficult relationships with parents, and school bullying. In these books, the authors offer children recognizable cases and ways out of difficult life situations. I discussed each of these books with children and teenagers aged 12-17. My first video of the 2020 season is “So how do you respond to boorish attacks from your superiors?” I dedicated it to those people who watched and commented on my most popular video “How to respond to boorish attacks from management” (2017). That video garnered over 100,000 views and sparked a lively reaction in comments. I realize that I have touched on the most sensitive topic of modern society — the relationship between a subordinate and a manager.

There are words of gratitude in the comments, but there are also complaints against me. They reproach me for probably not having experienced emotional abuse at the workplace, or being bullied or mobbed. Some commentators wrote that I “don't understand” people who, in order not to lose their jobs, have to endure insults and status slaps from their superiors. I really don't understand it. I have been repeatedly bullied of varying intensity at my workplaces. But she never silently tolerated insults and unfounded criticism. I have always tried to find out the reasons and have a heart-to-heart talk with the abuser to understand the motives for his aggressive behavior. At other times, when I had a lot to lose, I struggled desperately, and sometimes left immediately and in silence, as I had learned to give up in order to maintain my peace of mind and self-esteem. But I never fell on my back with my paws up; my abuser never had the last word. I don't know how to tolerate depreciation.

And I can't imagine how you can be bullied for several years in a row by your boss and co-workers who support him without trying to protect yourself and/or find another job. I used to practice martial arts and learned that death is always the best adviser in such situations. In other words, we have very little time to spend our lives with nasty people.

I am grateful to my readers and subscribers for sharing their personal experience and case studies. I dedicate this video with my response case to all those working people who were not afraid to stand up for their personal and professional dignity, to those who left their shameful jobs and their boorish boss and fearlessly set off in search of a new job. I am sure that, in the end, all those who dare to raise their voices in their defense or supported a colleague will definitely be appreciated in another workplace for their professional qualities and their preserved self-esteem. Trust my experience.

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