You're lying, scoundrels: he's both small and vile — not like you — otherwise


Very accurately and in line with what I've been thinking about in recent days and weeks, he said
Dmitry Bykov in the program “One” on “Ekho Moskvy”. It is no coincidence that his words brought together three names and three destinies. And he explained the reason for the violent persecution of actor Mikhail Efremov in the media and social networks... A.S. Pushkin:

“The crowd eagerly reads confessions, notes, etc., because in their meanness they rejoice in the humiliation of the high, in the weaknesses of the powerful.
When discovering any abomination, she is amazed.
He's as small as us, he's as nasty as us!
You're lying, scoundrels: he's both small and vile — not like you — otherwise.”

And Pushkin already knew everything about how joyfully the crowd overthrows their recent idols:

“The crowd is deaf
The winged novelty is a blind mistress,
He changes arrogant mischievous people every day
And from one step to the next
Their idols are flying, crowned with her.”
Dmitry Bykov: I will always be proud to have worked with Efremov

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