You're not alone if you have a Case


I would recommend that parents watch this video with their children. Talk to them about how they understood what they saw. Perhaps the children will discover that this situation of persecuting the “weak” or the “other”, unlike anyone else, is well known to them. Examine this situation with them and how the boy got out of it without realizing it. He clearly has a comrade, a like-minded person, which means that he is no longer alone and helpless. What conclusions can we encourage children to come to?

— We are all very different people, and we can all learn something from each other. The guy in the video is very hardworking. He improved his talent, not lost weight and didn't feel sorry for himself.

— People with a rich inner world where fantastic things happen can seem strange. An introverted person, a “strange” person does not reveal himself to us right away. Sometimes you have to make friends with him to understand what a wonderful inner world he has, how well he plays an instrument, dances, skateboards and can do many other interesting things. If you want, he'll teach you. And you can teach him what you can do by yourself.

— If you are passionate about something, you will be able to overcome difficulties. Pressure from others, for example. Enthusiasm inspires respect even among pursuers. When you're passionate about what you're doing.

— When we share our knowledge and passion with others, we learn to communicate and we grow up. Everyone always has good things to teach others. It's simple — it should be noted.

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