Mobbing at the workplace



According to a study of working conditions in European countries by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), on average, 4-5% of employees in the European Union experience psychological violence — mobbing — at the workplace. The consequences of mobbing on the activities of an employee and organization can be very serious.

Mobbing can lead to stress, depression, low self-esteem, phobias, sleep and digestive disorders, and, as a result, to a serious decrease in working capacity. Such consequences occur not only for mobbing victims, but also for the entire team, as colleagues suffer from an unfavorable psychosocial climate in the work environment. At the enterprise level, mobbing leads to delays in work, large and frequent staff changes, reduced efficiency and productivity at work, a complete lack of initiative at the enterprise, and a poor reputation for the organization as a whole. A bad reputation, in turn, prevents the company from attracting talented and competent employees, and as a result leads to lower profits.

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